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Complete CSS Course
Do you subscribe to Piccalilli? You should. If you’re reading that name for the first time, that would be none other than Andy Bell running the ship and he’s reimagined the site from the ground-up after coming out of hibernation this year. You’re likely familiar with Andy’s great writing here on CSS-Tricks.
Andy is more than a great writer — he’s a teacher, too. And you’ll see that in spades next week when his brand-new course Complete CSS is released one week from today on November 26.
As someone who also runs a front-end course, I can tell you it takes a non-trivial amount of time and effort to put something like Complete CSS together. I’ve been able to sneak peek at the course and like love how it’s made for many CSS-Tricks readers — you know CSS and use it regularly but need to ratchet it up from good to great. If my course is for those just getting into CSS, Andy will graduate you from hobbyist to practitioner in Complete CSS. It’s the perfect next step for narrowing the ever-growing learning gaps in this industry.
Early bird price is £189 (~$240) which is a steep cut from the full £249 (~$325) price tag.
Sign upComplete CSS Course originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
Anchoreum: A New Game for Learning Anchor Positioning
You’ve played Flexbox Froggy before, right? Or maybe Grid Garden? They’re both absolute musts for learning the basics of modern CSS layout using Flexbox and CSS Grid. I use both games in all of the classes I teach and I never get anything but high-fives from my students because they love them so much.
As widely known as those games are, you may be less familiar with the name of the developer who made them. That would be Thomas Park, and he has a couple of CSS-Tricks articles notched in his belt. He also has a horde of other games in his CodePip collection of free and premium games for learning front-end techniques.
Thomas wrote in to share his latest game with us: Anchoreum.
I’ll bet the two nickels in my pocket that you know this game’s all about CSS Anchor Positioning. I love that Thomas has jumped on this so quickly because the feature is still fresh, and indeed is currently only supported in a couple of browsers at the moment.
This is the perfect time to learn about anchor positioning. It’s still relatively early days, but things are baked enough to be supported in Chrome and Edge so you can access the games. If you haven’t seen Juan’s big ol’ guide on anchor positioning, that’s another dandy way to get up to speed.
The objective is less on-the-nose than Flexbox Froggy and Grid Garden, which both lean heavily into positioning elements to complete game tasks. For example, Flexbox Froggy is about positioning frogs safely on lilypads. Grid Garden wants you to water specific garden areas to feed your carrots. Anchoreum? You’re in a museum and need to anchor labels to museum artifacts. I know, attaching target elements to the same anchor over and again could get boring. But thankfully the game goes beyond simple positioning by getting into multiple anchors, spanning, and position fallbacks.
Whatever the objective, the repetition is good for developing muscle memory and the overall outcome is still the same: learn CSS Anchor Positioning. I’m already planning how and where I’m going to use Anchoreum in my curriculum. It’s not often we get a fun interactive learning resource like this for such a new web feature and I think it’s worth jumping on it sooner rather than later.
Thomas prepped a video trailer for the game so I thought I’d drop that for reference.
Anchoreum: A New Game for Learning Anchor Positioning originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
Tim Brown: Flexible Typesetting is now yours, for free
Another title from A Book Apart has been re-released for free. The latest? Tim Brown’s Flexible Typesetting. I may not be the utmost expert on typography and its best practices but I do remember reading this book (it’s still on the shelf next to me!) thinking maybe, just maybe, I might be able to hold a conversation about it with Robin when I finished it.
I still think I’m in “maybe” territory but that’s not Tim’s fault — I found the book super helpful and approachable for noobs like me who want to up our game. For the sake of it, I’ll drop the chapter titles here to give you an idea of what you’ll get.
- What is typsetting?
- Preparing text and code (planning is definitely part of the typesetting process)
- Selecting typefaces (this one helped me a lot!)
- Shaping text blocks (modern CSS can help here)
- Crafting compositions (great if you’re designing for long-form content)
- Relieving pressure
Tim Brown: Flexible Typesetting is now yours, for free originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
The Different (and Modern) Ways to Toggle Content
If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Abraham MaslowIt’s easy to default to what you know. When it comes to toggling content, that might be reaching for display: none or opacity: 0 with some JavaScript sprinkled in. But the web is more “modern” today, so perhaps now is the right time to get a birds-eye view of the different ways to toggle content — which native APIs are actually supported now, their pros and cons, and some things about them that you might not know (such as any pseudo-elements and other non-obvious stuff).
So, let’s spend some time looking at disclosures (<details> and <summary>), the Dialog API, the Popover API, and more. We’ll look at the right time to use each one depending on your needs. Modal or non-modal? JavaScript or pure HTML/CSS? Not sure? Don’t worry, we’ll go into all that.
Disclosures (<details> and <summary>)Use case: Accessibly summarizing content while making the content details togglable independently, or as an accordion.
CodePen Embed FallbackGoing in release order, disclosures — known by their elements as <details> and <summary> — marked the first time we were able to toggle content without JavaScript or weird checkbox hacks. But lack of web browser support obviously holds new features back at first, and this one in particular came without keyboard accessibility. So I’d understand if you haven’t used it since it came to Chrome 12 way back in 2011. Out of sight, out of mind, right?
Here’s the low-down:
- It’s functional without JavaScript (without any compromises).
- It’s fully stylable without appearance: none or the like.
- You can hide the marker without non-standard pseudo-selectors.
- You can connect multiple disclosures to create an accordion.
- Aaaand… it’s fully animatable, as of 2024.
What you’re looking for is this:
<details> <summary>Content summary (always visible)</summary> Content (visibility is toggled when summary is clicked on) </details>Behind the scenes, the content’s wrapped in a pseudo-element that as of 2024 we can select using ::details-content. To add to this, there’s a ::marker pseudo-element that indicates whether the disclosure’s open or closed, which we can customize.
With that in mind, disclosures actually look like this under the hood:
<details> <summary><::marker></::marker>Content summary (always visible)</summary> <::details-content> Content (visibility is toggled when summary is clicked on) </::details-content> </details>To have the disclosure open by default, give <details> the open attribute, which is what happens behind the scenes when disclosures are opened anyway.
<details open> ... </details> Styling disclosuresLet’s be real: you probably just want to lose that annoying marker. Well, you can do that by setting the display property of <summary> to anything but list-item:
summary { display: block; /* Or anything else that isn't list-item */ } CodePen Embed FallbackAlternatively, you can modify the marker. In fact, the example below utilizes Font Awesome to replace it with another icon, but keep in mind that ::marker doesn’t support many properties. The most flexible workaround is to wrap the content of <summary> in an element and select it in CSS.
<details> <summary><span>Content summary</span></summary> Content </details> details { /* The marker */ summary::marker { content: "\f150"; font-family: "Font Awesome 6 Free"; } /* The marker when <details> is open */ &[open] summary::marker { content: "\f151"; } /* Because ::marker doesn’t support many properties */ summary span { margin-left: 1ch; display: inline-block; } } CodePen Embed Fallback Creating an accordion with multiple disclosures CodePen Embed FallbackTo create an accordion, name multiple disclosures (they don’t even have to be siblings) with a name attribute and a matching value (similar to how you’d implement <input type="radio">):
<details name="starWars" open> <summary>Prequels</summary> <ul> <li>Episode I: The Phantom Menace</li> <li>Episode II: Attack of the Clones</li> <li>Episode III: Revenge of the Sith</li> </ul> </details> <details name="starWars"> <summary>Originals</summary> <ul> <li>Episode IV: A New Hope</li> <li>Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back</li> <li>Episode VI: Return of the Jedi</li> </ul> </details> <details name="starWars"> <summary>Sequels</summary> <ul> <li>Episode VII: The Force Awakens</li> <li>Episode VIII: The Last Jedi</li> <li>Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker</li> </ul> </details>Using a wrapper, we can even turn these into horizontal tabs:
CodePen Embed Fallback <div> <!-- Flex wrapper --> <details name="starWars" open> ... </details> <details name="starWars"> ... </details> <details name="starWars"> ... </details> </div> div { gap: 1ch; display: flex; position: relative; details { min-height: 106px; /* Prevents content shift */ &[open] summary, &[open]::details-content { background: #eee; } &[open]::details-content { left: 0; position: absolute; } } }…or, using 2024’s Anchor Positioning API, vertical tabs (same HTML):
div { display: inline-grid; anchor-name: --wrapper; details[open] { summary, &::details-content { background: #eee; } &::details-content { position: absolute; position-anchor: --wrapper; top: anchor(top); left: anchor(right); } } } CodePen Embed FallbackIf you’re looking for some wild ideas on what we can do with the Popover API in CSS, check out John Rhea’s article in which he makes an interactive game solely out of disclosures!
Adding JavaScript functionalityWant to add some JavaScript functionality?
// Optional: select and loop multiple disclosures document.querySelectorAll("details").forEach(details => { details.addEventListener("toggle", () => { // The disclosure was toggled if ( { // The disclosure was opened } else { // The disclosure was closed } }); }); Creating accessible disclosuresDisclosures are accessible as long as you follow a few rules. For example, <summary> is basically a <label>, meaning that its content is announced by screen readers when in focus. If there isn’t a <summary> or <summary> isn’t a direct child of <details> then the user agent will create a label for you that normally says “Details” both visually and in assistive tech. Older web browsers might insist that it be the first child, so it’s best to make it so.
To add to this, <summary> has the role of button, so whatever’s invalid inside a <button> is also invalid inside a <summary>. This includes headings, so you can style a <summary> as a heading, but you can’t actually insert a heading into a <summary>.
The Dialog element (<dialog>)Use case: Modals
CodePen Embed FallbackNow that we have the Popover API for non-modal overlays, I think it’s best if we start to think of dialogs as modals even though the show() method does allow for non-modal dialogs. The advantage that the popover attribute has over the <dialog> element is that you can use it to create non-modal overlays without JavaScript, so in my opinion there’s no benefit to non-modal dialogs anymore, which do require JavaScript. For clarity, a modal is an overlay that makes the main document inert, whereas with non-modal overlays the main document remains interactive. There are a few other features that modal dialogs have out-of-the-box as well, including:
- a stylable backdrop,
- an autofocus onto the first focusable element within the <dialog> (or, as a backup, the <dialog> itself — include an aria-label in this case),
- a focus trap (as a result of the main document’s inertia),
- the esc key closes the dialog, and
- both the dialog and the backdrop are animatable.Marking up and activating dialogs
Start with the <dialog> element:
<dialog> ... </dialog>It’s hidden by default and, similar to <details>, we can have it open when the page loads, although it isn’t modal in this scenario since it does not contain interactive content because it doesn’t opened with showModal().
<dialog open> ... </dialog>I can’t say that I’ve ever needed this functionality. Instead, you’ll likely want to reveal the dialog upon some kind of interaction, such as the click of a button — so here’s that button:
<button data-dialog="dialogA">Open dialogA</button>Wait, why are we using data attributes? Well, because we might want to hand over an identifier that tells the JavaScript which dialog to open, enabling us to add the dialog functionality to all dialogs in one snippet, like this:
// Select and loop all elements with that data attribute document.querySelectorAll("[data-dialog]").forEach(button => { // Listen for interaction (click) button.addEventListener("click", () => { // Select the corresponding dialog const dialog = document.querySelector(`#${ button.dataset.dialog }`); // Open dialog dialog.showModal(); // Close dialog dialog.querySelector(".closeDialog").addEventListener("click", () => dialog.close()); }); });Don’t forget to add a matching id to the <dialog> so it’s associated with the <button> that shows it:
<dialog id="dialogA"> <!-- id and data-dialog = dialogA --> ... </dialog>And, lastly, include the “close” button:
<dialog id="dialogA"> <button class="closeDialog">Close dialogA</button> </dialog>Note: <form method="dialog"> (that has a <button>) or <button formmethod="dialog"> (wrapped in a <form>) also closes the dialog.
How to prevent scrolling when the dialog is openPrevent scrolling while the modal’s open, with one line of CSS:
body:has(dialog:modal) { overflow: hidden; } Styling the dialog’s backdropAnd finally, we have the backdrop to reduce distraction from what’s underneath the top layer (this applies to modals only). Its styles can be overwritten, like this:
::backdrop { background: hsl(0 0 0 / 90%); backdrop-filter: blur(3px); /* A fun property just for backdrops! */ }On that note, the <dialog> itself comes with a border, a background, and some padding, which you might want to reset. Actually, popovers behave the same way.
Dealing with non-modal dialogsTo implement a non-modal dialog, use:
- show() instead of showModal()
- dialog[open] (targets both) instead of dialog:modal
Although, as I said before, the Popover API doesn’t require JavaScript, so for non-modal overlays I think it’s best to use that.
The Popover API (<element popover>)Use case: Non-modal overlays
CodePen Embed FallbackPopups, basically. Suitable use cases include tooltips (or toggletips — it’s important to know the difference), onboarding walkthroughs, notifications, togglable navigations, and other non-modal overlays where you don’t want to lose access to the main document. Obviously these use cases are different to those of dialogs, but nonetheless popovers are extremely awesome. Functionally they’re just like just dialogs, but not modal and don’t require JavaScript.
Marking up popoversTo begin, the popover needs an id as well as the popover attribute with the manual value (which means clicking outside of the popover doesn’t close it), the auto value (clicking outside of the popover does close it), or no value (which means the same thing). To be semantic, the popover can be a <dialog>.
<dialog id="tooltipA" popover> ... </dialog>Next, add the popovertarget attribute to the <button> or <input type="button"> that we want to toggle the popover’s visibility, with a value matching the popover’s id attribute (this is optional since clicking outside of the popover will close it anyway, unless popover is set to manual):
<dialog id="tooltipA" popover> <button popovertarget="tooltipA">Hide tooltipA</button> </dialog>Place another one of those buttons in your main document, so that you can show the popover. That’s right, popovertarget is actually a toggle (unless you specify otherwise with the popovertargetaction attribute that accepts show, hide, or toggle as its value — more on that later).
Styling popovers CodePen Embed FallbackBy default, popovers are centered within the top layer (like dialogs), but you probably don’t want them there as they’re not modals, after all.
<main> <button popovertarget="tooltipA">Show tooltipA</button> </main> <dialog id="tooltipA" popover> <button popovertarget="tooltipA">Hide tooltipA</button> </dialog>You can easily pull them into a corner using fixed positioning, but for a tooltip-style popover you’d want it to be relative to the trigger that opens it. CSS Anchor Positioning makes this super easy:
main [popovertarget] { anchor-name: --trigger; } [popover] { margin: 0; position-anchor: --trigger; top: calc(anchor(bottom) + 10px); justify-self: anchor-center; } /* This also works but isn’t needed unless you’re using the display property [popover]:popover-open { ... } */The problem though is that you have to name all of these anchors, which is fine for a tabbed component but overkill for a website with quite a few tooltips. Luckily, we can match an id attribute on the button to an anchor attribute on the popover, which isn’t well-supported as of November 2024 but will do for this demo:
CodePen Embed Fallback <main> <!-- The id should match the anchor attribute --> <button id="anchorA" popovertarget="tooltipA">Show tooltipA</button> <button id="anchorB" popovertarget="tooltipB">Show tooltipB</button> </main> <dialog anchor="anchorA" id="tooltipA" popover> <button popovertarget="tooltipA">Hide tooltipA</button> </dialog> <dialog anchor="anchorB" id="tooltipB" popover> <button popovertarget="tooltipB">Hide tooltipB</button> </dialog> main [popovertarget] { anchor-name: --anchorA; } /* No longer needed */ [popover] { margin: 0; position-anchor: --anchorA; /* No longer needed */ top: calc(anchor(bottom) + 10px); justify-self: anchor-center; }The next issue is that we expect tooltips to show on hover and this doesn’t do that, which means that we need to use JavaScript. While this seems complicated considering that we can create tooltips much more easily using ::before/::after/content:, popovers allow HTML content (in which case our tooltips are actually toggletips by the way) whereas content: only accepts text.
Adding JavaScript functionalityWhich leads us to this…
CodePen Embed FallbackOkay, so let’s take a look at what’s happening here. First, we’re using anchor attributes to avoid writing a CSS block for each anchor element. Popovers are very HTML-focused, so let’s use anchor positioning in the same way. Secondly, we’re using JavaScript to show the popovers (showPopover()) on mouseover. And lastly, we’re using JavaScript to hide the popovers (hidePopover()) on mouseout, but not if they contain a link as obviously we want them to be clickable (in this scenario, we also don’t hide the button that hides the popover).
<main> <button id="anchorLink" popovertarget="tooltipLink">Open tooltipLink</button> <button id="anchorNoLink" popovertarget="tooltipNoLink">Open tooltipNoLink</button> </main> <dialog anchor="anchorLink" id="tooltipLink" popover>Has <a href="#">a link</a>, so we can’t hide it on mouseout <button popovertarget="tooltipLink">Hide tooltipLink manually</button> </dialog> <dialog anchor="anchorNoLink" id="tooltipNoLink" popover>Doesn’t have a link, so it’s fine to hide it on mouseout automatically <button popovertarget="tooltipNoLink">Hide tooltipNoLink</button> </dialog> [popover] { margin: 0; top: calc(anchor(bottom) + 10px); justify-self: anchor-center; /* No link? No button needed */ &:not(:has(a)) [popovertarget] { display: none; } } /* Select and loop all popover triggers */ document.querySelectorAll("main [popovertarget]").forEach((popovertarget) => { /* Select the corresponding popover */ const popover = document.querySelector(`#${popovertarget.getAttribute("popovertarget")}`); /* Show popover on trigger mouseover */ popovertarget.addEventListener("mouseover", () => { popover.showPopover(); }); /* Hide popover on trigger mouseout, but not if it has a link */ if (popover.matches(":not(:has(a))")) { popovertarget.addEventListener("mouseout", () => { popover.hidePopover(); }); } }); Implementing timed backdrops (and sequenced popovers)At first, I was sure that popovers having backdrops was an oversight, the argument being that they shouldn’t obscure a focusable main document. But maybe it’s okay for a couple of seconds as long as we can resume what we were doing without being forced to close anything? At least, I think this works well for a set of onboarding tips:
CodePen Embed Fallback <!-- Re-showing ‘A’ rolls the onboarding back to that step --> <button popovertarget="onboardingTipA" popovertargetaction="show">Restart onboarding</button> <!-- Hiding ‘A’ also hides subsequent tips as long as the popover attribute equates to auto --> <button popovertarget="onboardingTipA" popovertargetaction="hide">Cancel onboarding</button> <ul> <li id="toolA">Tool A</li> <li id="toolB">Tool B</li> <li id="toolC">Another tool, “C”</li> <li id="toolD">Another tool — let’s call this one “D”</li> </ul> <!-- onboardingTipA’s button triggers onboardingTipB --> <dialog anchor="toolA" id="onboardingTipA" popover> onboardingTipA <button popovertarget="onboardingTipB" popovertargetaction="show">Next tip</button> </dialog> <!-- onboardingTipB’s button triggers onboardingTipC --> <dialog anchor="toolB" id="onboardingTipB" popover> onboardingTipB <button popovertarget="onboardingTipC" popovertargetaction="show">Next tip</button> </dialog> <!-- onboardingTipC’s button triggers onboardingTipD --> <dialog anchor="toolC" id="onboardingTipC" popover> onboardingTipC <button popovertarget="onboardingTipD" popovertargetaction="show">Next tip</button> </dialog> <!-- onboardingTipD’s button hides onboardingTipA, which in-turn hides all tips --> <dialog anchor="toolD" id="onboardingTipD" popover> onboardingTipD <button popovertarget="onboardingTipA" popovertargetaction="hide">Finish onboarding</button> </dialog> ::backdrop { animation: 2s fadeInOut; } [popover] { margin: 0; align-self: anchor-center; left: calc(anchor(right) + 10px); } /* After users have had a couple of seconds to breathe, start the onboarding */ setTimeout(() => { document.querySelector("#onboardingTipA").showPopover(); }, 2000);Again, let’s unpack. Firstly, setTimeout() shows the first onboarding tip after two seconds. Secondly, a simple fade-in-fade-out background animation runs on the backdrop and all subsequent backdrops. The main document isn’t made inert and the backdrop doesn’t persist, so attention is diverted to the onboarding tips while not feeling invasive.
Thirdly, each popover has a button that triggers the next onboarding tip, which triggers another, and so on, chaining them to create a fully HTML onboarding flow. Typically, showing a popover closes other popovers, but this doesn’t appear to be the case if it’s triggered from within another popover. Also, re-showing a visible popover rolls the onboarding back to that step, and, hiding a popover hides it and all subsequent popovers — although that only appears to work when popover equates to auto. I don’t fully understand it but it’s enabled me to create “restart onboarding” and “cancel onboarding” buttons.
With just HTML. And you can cycle through the tips using esc and return.
Creating modal popoversHear me out. If you like the HTML-ness of popover but the semantic value of <dialog>, this JavaScript one-liner can make the main document inert, therefore making your popovers modal:
document.querySelectorAll("dialog[popover]").forEach(dialog => dialog.addEventListener("toggle", () => document.body.toggleAttribute("inert")));However, the popovers must come after the main document; otherwise they’ll also become inert. Personally, this is what I’m doing for modals anyway, as they aren’t a part of the page’s content.
<body> <!-- All of this will become inert --> </body> <!-- Therefore, the modals must come after --> <dialog popover> ... </dialog> Aaaand… breatheYeah, that was a lot. But…I think it’s important to look at all of these APIs together now that they’re starting to mature, in order to really understand what they can, can’t, should, and shouldn’t be used for. As a parting gift, I’ll leave you with a transition-enabled version of each API:
- Sliding disclosures
- Popping dialog (with fading backdrop)
- Sliding popover (hamburger nav, because why not?)
The Different (and Modern) Ways to Toggle Content originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
Popping Comments With CSS Anchor Positioning and View-Driven Animations
The State of CSS 2024 survey wrapped up and the results are interesting, as always. Even though each section is worth analyzing, we are usually most hyped about the section on the most used CSS features. And if you are interested in writing about web development (maybe start writing with us 😉), you will specifically want to check out the feature’s Reading List section. It holds the features that survey respondents wish to read about after completing the survey and is usually composed of up-and-coming features with low community awareness.
One of the features I was excited to see was my 2024 top pick: CSS Anchor Positioning, ranking in the survey’s Top 4. Just below, you can find Scroll-Driven Animations, another amazing feature that gained broad browser support this year. Both are elegant and offer good DX, but combining them opens up new possibilities that clearly fall into what most of us would have considered JavaScript territory just last year.
I want to show one of those possibilities while learning more about both features. Specifically, we will make the following blog post in which footnotes pop up as comments on the sides of each text.
CodePen Embed FallbackFor this demo, our requirements will be:
- Pop the footnotes up when they get into the screen.
- Attach them to their corresponding texts.
- The footnotes are on the sides of the screen, so we need a mobile fallback.
To start, we will use the following everyday example of a blog post layout: title, cover image, and body of text:
CodePen Embed FallbackThe only thing to notice about the markup is that now and then we have a paragraph with a footnote at the end:
<main class="post"> <!-- etc. --> <p class="note"> Super intereseting information! <span class="footnote"> A footnote about it </span> </p> </main> Positioning the FootnotesIn that demo, the footnotes are located inside the body of the post just after the text we want to note. However, we want them to be attached as floating bubbles on the side of the text. In the past, we would probably need a mix of absolute and relative positioning along with finding the correct inset properties for each footnote.
However, we can now use anchor positioning for the job, a feature that allows us to position absolute elements relative to other elements — rather than just relative to the containment context it is in. We will be talking about “anchors” and “targets” for a while, so a little terminology as we get going:
- Anchor: This is the element used as a reference for positioning other elements, hence the anchor name.
- Target: This is an absolutely-positioned element placed relative to one or more anchors. The target is the name we will use from now on, but you will often find it as just an “absolutely positioned element” in other resources.
I won’t get into each detail, but if you want to learn more about it I highly recommend our Anchor Positioning Guide for complete information and examples.
The Anchor and TargetIt’s easy to know that each .footnote is a target element. Picking our anchor, however, requires more nuance. While it may look like each .note element should be an anchor element, it’s better to choose the whole .post as the anchor. Let me explain if we set the .footnote position to absolute:
.footnote { position: absolute; }You will notice that the .footnote elements on the post are removed from the normal document flow and they hover visually above their .note elements. This is great news! Since they are already aligned on the vertical axis, we just have to move them on the horizontal axis onto the sides using the post as an anchor.
This is when we would need to find the correct inset property to place them on the sides. While this is doable, it’s a painful choice since:
- You would have to rely on a magic number.
- It depends on the viewport.
- It depends on the footnote’s content since it changes its width.
Elements aren’t anchors by default, so to register the post as an anchor, we have to use the anchor-name property and give it a dashed-ident (a custom name starting with two dashes) as a name.
.post { anchor-name: --post; }In this case, our target element would be the .footnote. To use a target element, we can keep the absolute positioning and select an anchor element using the position-anchor property, which takes the anchor’s dashed ident. This will make .post the default anchor for the target in the following step.
.footnote { position: absolute; position-anchor: --post; } Moving the Target AroundInstead of choosing an arbitrary inset value for the .footnote‘s left or right properties, we can use the anchor() function. It returns a <length> value with the position of one side of the anchor, allowing us to always set the target’s inset properties correctly. So, we can connect the left side of the target to the right side of the anchor and vice versa:
.footnote { position: absolute; position-anchor: --post; /* To place them on the right */ left: anchor(right); /* or to place them on the left*/ right: anchor(left); /* Just one of them at a time! */ }However, you will notice that it’s stuck to the side of the post with no space in between. Luckily, the margin property works just as you are hoping it does with target elements and gives a little space between the footnote target and the post anchor. We can also add a little more styles to make things prettier:
.footnote { /* ... */ background-color: #fff; border-radius: 20px; margin: 0px 20px; padding: 20px; }Lastly, all our .footnote elements are on the same side of the post, if we want to arrange them one on each side, we can use the nth-of-type() selector to select the even and odd notes and set them on opposite sides.
.note:nth-of-type(odd) .footnote { left: anchor(right); } .note:nth-of-type(even) .footnote { right: anchor(left); }We use nth-of-type() instead of nth-child since we just want to iterate over .note elements and not all the siblings.
Just remember to remove the last inset declaration from .footnote, and tada! We have our footnotes on each side. You will notice I also added a little triangle on each footnote, but that’s beyond the scope of this post:
CodePen Embed Fallback The View-Driven AnimationLet’s get into making the pop-up animation. I find it the easiest part since both view and scroll-driven animation are built to be as intuitive as possible. We will start by registering an animation using an everyday @keyframes. What we want is for our footnotes to start being invisible and slowly become bigger and visible:
@keyframes pop-up { from { opacity: 0; transform: scale(0.5); } to { opacity: 1; } }That’s our animation, now we just have to add it to each .footnote:
.footnote { /* ... */ animation: pop-up linear; }This by itself won’t do anything. We usually would have set an animation-duration for it to start. However, view-driven animations don’t run through a set time, rather the animation progression will depend on where the element is on the screen. To do so, we set the animation-timeline to view().
.footnote { /* ... */ animation: pop-up linear; animation-timeline: view(); }This makes the animation finish just as the element is leaving the screen. What we want is for it to finish somewhere more readable. The last touch is setting the animation-range to cover 0% cover 40%. This translates to, “I want the element to start its animation when it’s 0% in the view and end when it’s at 40% in the view.”
.footnote { /* ... */ animation: pop-up linear; animation-timeline: view(); animation-range: cover 0% cover 40%; }This amazing tool by Bramus focused on scroll and view-driven animation better shows how the animation-range property works.
What About Mobile?You may have noticed that this approach to footnotes doesn’t work on smaller screens since there is no space at the sides of the post. The fix is easy. What we want is for the footnotes to display as normal notes on small screens and as comments on larger screens, we can do that by making our comments only available when the screen is bigger than a certain threshold, which is about 1000px. If it isn’t, then the notes are displayed on the body of the post as any other note you may find on the web.
.footnote { display: flex; gap: 10px; border-radius: 20px; padding: 20px; background-color: #fce6c2; &::before { content: "Note:"; font-weight: 600; } } @media (width > 1000px) { /* Styles */ }Now our comments should be displayed on the sides only when there is enough space for them:
CodePen Embed Fallback Wrapping UpIf you also like writing about something you are passionate about, you will often find yourself going into random tangents or wanting to add a comment in each paragraph for extra context. At least, that’s my case, so having a way to dynamically show comments is a great addition. Especially when we achieved using only CSS — in a way that we couldn’t just a year ago!
Popping Comments With CSS Anchor Positioning and View-Driven Animations originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
Fluid Everything Else
We all know how to do responsive design, right? We use media queries. Well no, we use container queries now, don’t we? Sometimes we get inventive with flexbox or autoflowing grids. If we’re feeling really adventurous we can reach for fluid typography.
I’m a bit uncomfortable that responsive design is often pushed into discreet chunks, like “layout A up to this size, then layout B until there’s enough space for layout C.” It’s OK, it works and fits into a workflow where screens are designed as static layouts in PhotoFigVa (caveat, I made that up). But the process feels like a compromise to me. I’ve long believed that responsive design should be almost invisible to the user. When they visit my site on a mobile device while waiting in line for K-Pop tickets, they shouldn’t notice that it’s different from just an hour ago, sitting at the huge curved gaming monitor they persuaded their boss they needed.
Consider this simple hero banner and its mobile equivalent. Sorry for the unsophisticated design. The image is AI generated, but It’s the only thing about this article that is.
The meerkat and the text are all positioned and sized differently. The traditional way to pull this off is to have two layouts, selected by a media, sorry, container query. There might be some flexibility in each layout, perhaps centering the content, and a little fluid typography on the font-size, but we’re going to choose a point at which we flip the layout in and out of the stacked version. As a result, there are likely to be widths near the breakpoint where the layout looks either a little empty or a little congested.
Is there another way?
It turns out there is. We can apply the concept of fluid typography to almost anything. This way we can have a layout that fluidly changes with the size of its parent container. Few users will ever see the transition, but they will all appreciate the results. Honestly, they will.
Let’s get this styled upFor the first step, let’s style the layouts individually, a little like we would when using width queries and a breakpoint. In fact, let’s use a container query and a breakpoint together so that we can easily see what properties need to change.
This is the markup for our hero, and it won’t change:
<div id="hero"> <div class="details"> <h1>LookOut</h1> <p>Eagle Defense System</p> </div> </div>This is the relevant CSS for the wide version:
#hero { container-type: inline-size; max-width: 1200px; min-width: 360px; .details { position: absolute; z-index: 2; top: 220px; left: 565px; h1 { font-size: 5rem; } p { font-size: 2.5rem; } } &::before { content: ''; position: absolute; z-index: 1; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; background-image: url(../meerkat.jpg); background-origin: content-box; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position-x: 0; background-position-y: 0; background-size: auto 589px; } }I’ve attached the background image to a ::before pseudo-element so I can use container queries on it (because containers cannot query themselves). We’ll keep this later on so that we can use inline container query (cqi) units. For now, here’s the container query that just shows the values we’re going to make fluid:
@container (max-width: 800px) { #hero { .details { top: 50px; left: 20px; h1 { font-size: 3.5rem; } p { font-size: 2rem; } } &::before { background-position-x: -310px; background-position-y: -25px; background-size: auto 710px; } } }You can see the code running in a live demo — it’s entirely static to show the limitations of a typical approach.
Let’s get fluidNow we can take those start and end points for the size and position of both the text and background and make them fluid. The text size uses fluid typography in a way you are already familiar with. Here’s the result — I’ll explain the expressions once you’ve looked at the code.
First the changes to the position and size of the text:
/* Line changes * -12,27 +12,32 */ .details { /* ... lines 14-16 unchanged */ /* Evaluates to 50px for a 360px wide container, and 220px for 1200px */ top: clamp(50px, 20.238cqi - 22.857px, 220px); /* Evaluates to 20px for a 360px wide container, and 565px for 1200px */ left: clamp(20px, 64.881cqi - 213.571px, 565px); /* ... lines 20-25 unchanged */ h1 { /* Evaluates to 3.5rem for a 360px wide container, and 5rem for 1200px */ font-size: clamp(3.5rem, 2.857rem + 2.857cqi, 5rem); /* ... font-weight unchanged */ } p { /* Evaluates to 2rem for a 360px wide container, and 2.5rem for 1200px */ font-size: clamp(2rem, 1.786rem + 0.952cqi, 2.5rem); } }And here’s the background position and size for the meerkat image:
/* Line changes * -50,3 +55,8 */ /* Evaluates to -310px for a 360px wide container, and 0px for 1200px */ background-position-x: clamp(-310px, 36.905cqi - 442.857px, 0px); /* Evaluates to -25px for a 360px wide container, and 0px for 1200px */ background-position-y: clamp(-25px, 2.976cqi); /* Evaluates to 710px for a 360px wide container, and 589px for 1200px */ background-size: auto clamp(589px, 761.857px - 14.405cqi, 710px);Now we can drop the container query entirely.
Let’s explain those clamp() expressions. We’ll start with the expression for the top property.
/* Evaluates to 50px for a 360px wide container, and 220px for 1200px */ top: clamp(50px, 20.238cqi - 22.857px, 220px);You’ll have noticed there’s a comment there. These expressions are a good example of how magic numbers are a bad thing. But we can’t avoid them here, as they are the result of solving some simultaneous equations — which CSS cannot do!
The upper and lower bounds passed to clamp() are clear enough, but the expression in the middle comes from these simultaneous equations:
f + 12v = 220 f + 3.6v = 50…where f is the number of fixed-size length units (i.e., px) and v is the variable-sized unit (cqi). In the first equation, we are saying that we want the expression to evaluate to 220px when 1cqi is equal to 12px. In the second equation, we’re saying we want 50px when 1cqi is 3.6px, which solves to:
f = -22.857 v = 20.238…and this tidies up to 20.238cqi – 22.857px in a calc()-friendly expression.
When the fixed unit is different, we must change the size of the variable units accordingly. So for the <h1> element’s font-size we have;
/* Evaluates to 2rem for a 360px wide container, and 2.5rem for 1200px */ font-size: clamp(2rem, 1.786rem + 0.952cqi, 2.5rem);This is solving these equations because, at a container width of 1200px, 1cqi is the same as 0.75rem (my rems are relative to the default UA stylesheet, 16px), and at 360px wide, 1cqi is 0.225rem.
f + 0.75v = 2.5 f + 0.225v = 2This is important to note: The equations are different depending on what unit you are targeting.
Honestly, this is boring math to do every time, so I made a calculator you can use. Not only does it solve the equations for you (to three decimal places to keep your CSS clean) it also provides that helpful comment to use alongside the expression so that you can see where they came from and avoid magic numbers. Feel free to use it. Yes, there are many similar calculators out there, but they concentrate on typography, and so (rightly) fixate on rem units. You could probably port the JavaScript if you’re using a CSS preprocessor.
The clamp() function isn’t strictly necessary at this point. In each case, the bounds of clamp() are set to the values of when the container is either 360px or 1200px wide. Since the container itself is constrained to those limits — by setting min-width and max-width values — the clamp() expression should never invoke either bound. However, I prefer to keep clamp() there in case we ever change our minds (which we are about to do) because implicit bounds like these are difficult to spot and maintain.
Avoiding injuryWe could consider our work finished, but we aren’t. The layout still doesn’t quite work. The text passes right over the top of the meerkat’s head. While I have been assured this causes the meerkat no harm, I don’t like the look of it. So, let’s make some changes to make the text avoid hitting the meerkat.
The first is simple. We’ll move the meerkat to the left more quickly so that it gets out of the way. This is done most easily by changing the lower end of the interpolation to a wider container. We’ll set it so that the meerkat is fully left by 450px rather than down to 360px. There’s no reason the start and end points for all of our fluid expressions need to align with the same widths, so we can keep the other expressions fluid down to 360px.
Using my trusty calculator, all we need to do is change the clamp() expressions for the background-position properties:
/* Line changes * -55,5 +55,5 */ /* Evaluates to -310px for a 450px wide container, and 0px for 1200px */ background-position-x: clamp(-310px, 41.333cqi - 496px, 0px); /* Evaluates to -25px for a 450px wide container, and 0px for 1200px */ background-position-y: clamp(-25px, 3.333cqi - 40px, 0px);This improves things, but not totally. I don’t want to move it any quicker, so next we’ll look at the path the text takes. At the moment it moves in a straight line, like this:
But can we bend it? Yes, we can.
A Bend in the pathOne way we can do this is by defining two different interpolations for the top coordinate that places the line at different angles and then choosing the smallest one. This way, it allows the steeper line to “win” at larger container widths, and the shallower line becomes the value that wins when the container is narrower than about 780px. The result is a line with a bend that misses the meerkat.
All we’re changing is the top value, but we must calculate two intermediate values first:
/* Line changes * -18,2 +18,9 @@ */ /* Evaluates to 220px for a 1200px wide container, and -50px for 360px */ --top-a: calc(32.143cqi - 165.714px); /* Evaluates to 120px for a 1200px wide container, and 50px for 360px */ --top-b: calc(20px + 8.333cqi); /* By taking the max, --topA is used at lower widths, with --topB taking over when wider. We only need to apply clamp when the value is actually used */ top: clamp(50px, max(var(--top-a), var(--top-b)), 220px);For these values, rather than calculating them formally using a carefully chosen midpoint, I experimented with the endpoints until I got the result I wanted. Experimentation is just as valid as calculation as a way of getting the result you need. In this case, I started with duplicates of the interpolation in custom variables. I could have split the path into explicit sections using a container query, but that doesn’t reduce the math overhead, and using the min() function is cleaner to my eye. Besides, this article isn’t strictly about container queries, is it?
Now the text moves along this path. Open up the live demo to see it in action.
CSS can’t do everythingAs a final note on the calculations, it’s worth pointing out that there are restrictions as far as what we can and can’t do. The first, which we have already mitigated a little, is that these interpolations are linear. This means that easing in or out, or other complex behavior, is not possible.
Another major restriction is that CSS can only generate length values this way, so there is no way in pure CSS to apply, for example, opacity or a rotation angle that is fluid based on the container or viewport size. Preprocessors can’t help us here either because the limitation is on the way calc() works in the browser.
Both of these restrictions can be lifted if you’re prepared to rely on a little JavaScript. A few lines to observe the width of the container and set a CSS custom property that is unitless is all that’s needed. I’m going to use that to make the text follow a quadratic Bezier curve, like this:
There’s too much code to list here, and too much math to explain the Bezier curve, but go take a look at it in action in this live demo.
We wouldn’t even need JavaScript if expressions like calc(1vw / 1px) didn’t fail in CSS. There is no reason for them to fail since they represent a ratio between two lengths. Just as there are 2.54cm in 1in, there are 8px in 1vw when the viewport is 800px wide, so calc(1vw / 1px) should evaluate to a unitless 8 value.
They do fail though, so all we can do is state our case and move on.
Fluid everything doesn’t solve all layoutsThere will always be some layouts that need size queries, of course; some designs will simply need to snap changes at fixed breakpoints. There is no reason to avoid that if it’s right. There is also no reason to avoid mixing the two, for example, by fluidly sizing and positioning the background while using a query to snap between grid definitions for the text placement. My meerkat example is deliberately contrived to be simple for the sake of demonstration.
One thing I’ll add is that I’m rather excited by the possibility of using the new Anchor Positioning API for fluid positioning. There’s the possibility of using anchor positioning to define how two elements might flow around the screen together, but that’s for another time.
Fluid Everything Else originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
Web-Slinger.css: Like Wow.js But With CSS-y Scroll Animations
We had fun in my previous article exploring the goodness of scrolly animations supported in today’s versions of Chrome and Edge (and behind a feature flag in Firefox for now). Those are by and large referred to as “scroll-driven” animations. However, “scroll triggering” is something the Chrome team is still working on. It refers to the behavior you might have seen in the wild in which a point of no return activates a complete animation like a trap after our hapless scrolling user ventures past a certain point. You can see JavaScript examples of this on the Wow.js homepage which assembles itself in a sequence of animated entrances as you scroll down. There is no current official CSS solution for scroll-triggered animations — but Ryan Mulligan has shown how we can make it work by cleverly combining the animation-timeline property with custom properties and style queries.
That is a very cool way to combine new CSS features. But I am not done being overly demanding toward the awesome emergent animation timeline technology I didn’t know existed before I read up on it last month. I noticed scroll timelines and view timelines are geared toward animations that play backward when you scroll back up, unlike the Wow.js example where the dogs roll in and then stay. Bramus mentions the same point in his exploration of scroll-triggered animations. The animations run in reverse when scrolling back up. This is not always feasible. As a divorced Dad, I can attest that the Tinder UI is another example of a pattern in which scrolling and swiping can have irreversible consequences.
Scroll till the cows come home with Web-Slinger.cssBelieve it or not, with a small amount of SCSS and no JavaScript, we can build a pure CSS replacement of the Wow.js library, which I hereby christen “Web-Slinger.css.” It feels good to use the scroll-driven optimized standards already supported by some major browsers to make a prototype library. Here’s the finished demo and then we will break down how it works. I have always enjoyed the deliberately lo-fi aesthetic of the original Wow.js page, so it’s nice to have an excuse to create a parody. Much profession, so impress.
CodePen Embed Fallback Teach scrolling elements to roll over and stayWeb-Slinger.css introduces a set of class names in the format .scroll-trigger-n and .on-scroll-trigger-n. It also defines --scroll-trigger-n custom properties, which are inherited from the document root so we can access them from any CSS class. These conventions are more verbose than Wow.js but also more powerful. The two types of CSS classes decouple the triggers of our one-off animations from the elements they trigger, which means we can animate anything on the page based on the user reaching any scroll marker.
Here’s a basic example that triggers the Animate.css animation “flipInY” when the user has scrolled to the <div> marked as .scroll-trigger-8.
<div class="scroll-trigger-8"></div> <img class="on-scroll-trigger-8 animate__animated animate__flipInY" src="" >A more advanced use is the sticky “Cownter” (trademark pending) at the top of the demo page, which takes advantage of the ability of one trigger to activate an arbitrary number of animations anywhere in the document. The Cownter increments as new cows appear then displays a reset button once we reach the final scroll trigger at the bottom of the page.
Here is the markup for the Cownter:
<div class="header"> <h2 class="cownter"></h2> <div class="animate__animated animate__backInDown on-scroll-trigger-12"> <br> <a href="#" class="reset">🔁 Play again</a> </div> </div>…and the CSS:
.header { .cownter::after { --cownter: calc(var(--scroll-trigger-2) + var(--scroll-trigger-4) + var(--scroll-trigger-8) + var(--scroll-trigger-11)); --pluralised-cow: 'cows'; counter-set: cownter var(--cownter); content: "Have " counter(cownter) " " var(--pluralised-cow) ", man"; } @container style(--scroll-trigger-2: 1) and style(--scroll-trigger-4: 0) { .cownter::after { --pluralised-cow: 'cow'; } } a { text-decoration: none; color:blue; } } :root:has(.reset:active) * { animation-name: none; }The demo CodePen references Web-Slinger.css from a separate CodePen, which I reference in my final demo the same way I would an external resource.
Sidenote: If you have doubts about the utility of style queries, behold the age-old cow pluralization problem solved in pure CSS.
How does Web Slinger like to sling it?The secret is based on an iconic thought experiment by the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche who once asked: If the view() function lets you style an element once it comes into view, what if you take that opportunity to style it so it can never be scrolled out of view? Would that element not stare back into you for eternity?
.scroll-trigger { animation-timeline: view(); animation-name: stick-to-the-top; animation-fill-mode: both; animation-duration: 1ms; } @keyframes stick-to-the-top { .1%, to { position: fixed; top: 0; } }This idea sounded too good to be true, reminiscent of the urge when you meet a genie to ask for unlimited wishes. But it works! The next puzzle piece is how to use this one-way animation technique to control something we’d want to display to the user. Divs that instantly stick to the ceiling as soon as they enter the viewport might have their place on a page discussing the movie Alien, but most of the time this type of animation won’t be something we want the user to see.
That’s where named view progress timelines come in. The empty scroll trigger element only has the job of sticking to the top of the viewport as soon as it enters. Next, we set the timeline-scope property of the <body> element so that it matches the sticky element’s view-timeline-name. Now we can apply Ryan’s toggle custom property and style query tricks to let each sticky element trigger arbitrary one-off animations anywhere on the page!
View CSS code /** Each trigger element will cause a toggle named with * the convention `--scroll-trigger-n` to be flipped * from 0 to 1, which will unpause the animation on * any element with the class .on-scroll-trigger-n **/ :root { animation-name: run-scroll-trigger-1, run-scroll-trigger-2 /*etc*/; animation-duration: 1ms; animation-fill-mode: forwards; animation-timeline: --trigger-timeline-1, --trigger-timeline-2 /*etc*/; timeline-scope: --trigger-timeline-1, --trigger-timeline-2 /*etc*/; } @property --scroll-trigger-1 { syntax: "<integer>"; initial-value: 0; inherits: true; } @keyframes run-scroll-trigger-1 { to { --scroll-trigger-1: 1; } } /** Add this class to arbitrary elements we want * to only animate once `.scroll-trigger-1` has come * into view, default them to paused state otherwise **/ .on-scroll-trigger-1 { animation-play-state: paused; } /** The style query hack will run the animations on * the element once the toggle is set to true **/ @container style(--scroll-trigger-1: 1) { .on-scroll-trigger-1 { animation-play-state: running; } } /** The trigger element which sticks to the top of * the viewport and activates the one-way animation * that will unpause the animation on the * corresponding element marked with `.on-scroll-trigger-n` **/ .scroll-trigger-1 { view-timeline-name: --trigger-timeline-1; } Trigger warningWe generate the genericized Web-Slinger.css in 95 lines of SCSS, which isn’t too bad. The drawback is that the more triggers we need, the larger the compiled CSS file. The numbered CSS classes also aren’t semantic, so it would be great to have native support for linking a scroll-triggered element to its trigger based on IDs, reminiscent of the popovertarget attribute for HTML buttons — except this hypothetical attribute would go on each target element and specify the ID of the trigger, which is the opposite of the way popovertarget works.
<!-- This is speculative — do not use --> <scroll-trigger id="my-scroll-trigger"></scroll-trigger> <div class="rollIn" scrolltrigger="my-scroll-trigger">Hello world</div> Do androids dream of standardized scroll triggers?As I mentioned at the start, Bramus has teased that scroll-triggered animations are something we’d like to ship in a future version of Chrome, but it still needs a bit of work before we can do that. I’m looking forward to standardized scroll-triggered animations built into the browser. We could do worse than a convention resembling Web-Slinger.css for declaratively defining scroll-triggered animations, but I know I am not objective about Web Slinger as its creator. It’s become a bit of a sacred cow for me so I shall stop milking the topic — for now.
Feel free to reference the prototype Web-Slinger.css library in your experimental CodePens, or fork the library itself if you have better ideas about how scroll-triggered animations could be standardized.
Web-Slinger.css: Like Wow.js But With CSS-y Scroll Animations originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
State of CSS 2024 Results
They’re out! Like many of you, I look forward to these coming out each year. I don’t put much stock in surveys but they can be insightful and give a snapshot of the CSS zeitgeist. There are a few little nuggets in this year’s results that I find interesting. But before I get there, you’ll want to also check out what others have already written about it.
- Josh Comeau digested his takeaways in a recent newsletter.
Oh, I guess that’s it — at least it’s the most formal write-up I’ve seen. There’s a little summary by Ahmad Shadeed at the end of the survey that generally rounds things up. I’ll drop in more links as I find ’em.
In no particular order…
DemographicsJosh has way more poignant thoughts on this than I do. He rightfully calls out discrepancies in gender pay and regional pay, where men are way more compensated than women (a nonsensical and frustratingly never-ending trend) and the United States boasts more $100,000 salaries than anywhere else. The countries with the highest salaries were also the most represented in survey responses, so perhaps the results are no surprise. We’re essentially looking at a snapshot of what it’s like to be a rich, white male developer in the West.
Besides pay, my eye caught the Age Group demographics. As an aging front-ender, I often wonder what we all do when we finally get to retirement age. I officially dropped from the most represented age group (30-39, 42%) a few years ago into the third most represented tier (40-49, 21%). Long gone are my days being with the cool kids (20-29, 27%).
And if the distribution is true to life, I’m riding fast into my sunset years and will be only slightly more represented than those getting into the profession. I don’t know if anyone else feels similarly anxious about aging in this industry — but if you’re one of the 484 folks who identify with the 50+ age group, I’d love to talk with you.
Before we plow ahead, I think it’s worth calling out how relatively “new” most people are to front-end development.
Wow! Forty-freaking-four percent of respondents have less than 10 years of experience. Yes, 10 years is a high threshold, but we’re still talking about a profession that popped up in recent memory.
For perspective, someone developing for 10 years came to the field around 2014. That’s just when we were getting Flexbox, and several years after the big bang of CSS 3 and HTML 5. That’s just under half of developers who never had to deal with the headaches of table layouts, clearfix hacks, image sprites, spacer images, and rasterized rounded corners. Ethan Marcotte’s seminal article on “Responsive Web Design” predates these folks by a whopping four years!
That’s just wild. And exciting. I’m a firm believer in the next generation of front-enders but always hope that they learn from our past mistakes and become masters at the basics.
FeaturesI’m not entirely sure what to make of this section. When there are so many CSS features, how do you determine which are most widely used? How do you pare it down to just 50 features? Like, are filter effects really the most widely used CSS feature? So many questions, but the results are always interesting nonetheless.
What I find most interesting are the underused features. For example, hanging-punctuation comes in dead last in usage (1.57%) but is the feature that most developers (52%) have on their reading list. (If you need some reading material on it, Chris initially published the Almanac entry for hanging-punctuation back in 2013.)
I also see Anchor Positioning at the end of the long tail with reported usage at 4.8%. That’ll go up for sure now that we have at least one supporting browser engine (Chromium) but also given all of the tutorials that have sprung up in the past few months. Yes, we’ve contributed to that noise… but it’s good noise! I think Juan published what might be the most thorough and thoughtful guide on the topic yet.
I’m excited to see Cascade Layers falling smack dab in the middle of the pack at a fairly robust 18.7%. Cascade Layers are super approachable and elegantly designed that I have trouble believing anybody these days when they say that the CSS Cascade is difficult to manage. And even though @scope is currently low on the list (4.8%, same as Anchor Positioning), I’d bet the crumpled gum wrapper in my pocket that the overall sentiment of working with the Cascade will improve dramatically. We’ll still see “CSS is Awesome” memes galore, but they’ll be more like old familiar dad jokes in good time.
(Aside: Did you see the proposed designs for a new CSS logo? You can vote on them as of yesterday, but earlier versions played off the “CSS is Awesome” mean quite beautifully.)
Interestingly enough, viewport units come in at Number 11 with 44.2% usage… which lands them at Number 2 for most experience that developers have with CSS layout. Does that suggest that layout features are less widely used than CSS filters? Again, so many questions.
FrameworksHow many of you were surprised that Tailwind blew past Bootstrap as Top Dog framework in CSS Land? Nobody, right?
More interesting to me is that “No CSS framework” clocks in at Number 13 out of 21 list frameworks. Sure, its 46 votes are dwarfed by the 138 for Material UI at Number 10… but the fact that we’re seeing “no framework” as a ranking option at all would have been unimaginable just three years ago.
The same goes for CSS pre/post-processing. Sass (67%) and PostCSS (38%) are the power players, but “None” comes in third at 19%, ahead of Less, Stylus, and Lightning CSS.
It’s a real testament to the great work the CSSWG is doing to make CSS better every day. We don’t thank the CSSWG enough — thank you, team! Y’all are heroes around these parts.
CSS UsageJosh already has a good take on the fact that only 67% of folks say they test their work on mobile phones. It should be at least tied with the 99% who test on desktops, right? Right?! Who knows, maybe some responses consider things like “Responsive Design Mode” desktop features to be the equivalent of testing on real mobile devices. I find it hard to believe that only 67% of us test mobile.
Oh, and The Great Divide is still alive and well if the results are true and 53% write more JavsScript than CSS in their day-to-day.
Missing CSS FeaturesThis is always a fun topic to ponder. Some of the most-wanted CSS features have been lurking around 10+ years. But let’s look at the top three form this year’s survey:
- Mixins
- Conditional Logic
- Masonry
We’re in luck team! There’s movement on all three of those fronts:
- A new CSS Functions and Mixins Module draft was published in late June after the CSSWG resolved to adopt the proposal back in February. (Read our notes.)
- The CSS Working Group (CSSWG) resolved to add an if() conditional to the CSS Values Module Level 5 specification. (Read our notes.)
- There are competing proposals for how to forge ahead with a CSS-y approach to masonry layouts. One is based on the CSS Grid Layout Module Level 3 draft specifcation and the other is a fresh new module dedicated to masonry. Apple has planted its flag. So has Chrome. Let the cage-match continue!
This is where I get to toot our own horn a bit because CSS-Tricks continues to place first among y’all when it comes to the blogs you follow for CSS happenings.
I’m also stoked to see Smashing Magazine right there as well. It was fifth in 2023 and I’d like to think that rise is due to me joining the team last year. Correlation implies causation, amirite?
But look at Kevin Powell and Josh in the Top 10. That’s just awesome. It speaks volumes about their teaching talents and the hard work they put into “helping people fall in love with CSS” as Kevin might say it. I was able to help Kevin with a couple of his videos last year (here’s one) and can tell you the guy cares a heckuva lot about making CSS approachable and fun.
Honestly, the rankings are not what we live for. Now that I’ve been given a second wind to work on CSS-Tricks, all I want is to publish things that are valuable to your everyday work as front-enders. That’s traditionally happened as a stream of daily articles but is shifting to more tutorials and resources, whether it’s guides (we’ve published four new ones this year), taking notes on interesting developments, spotlighting good work with links, or expanding the ol’ Almanac to account for things like functions, at-rules, and pseudos (we have lots of work to do).
My 2024 PickNo one asked my opinion but I’ll say it anyway: Personal blogging. I’m seeing more of us in the front-end community getting back behind the keyboards of their personal websites and I’ve never been subscribed to more RSS feeds than I am today. Some started blogging as a “worry stone” during the 2020 lockdown. Some abandoned socials when Twitter X imploded. Some got way into the IndieWeb. Webrings and guestbooks are even gaining new life. Sure, it can be tough keeping up, but what a good problem to have! Let’s make RSS king once and for all.
That’s a wrap!Seriously, a huge thanks to Sacha Greif and the entire Devographics team for the commitment to putting this survey together every year. It’s always fun. And the visualizations are always to die for.
State of CSS 2024 Results originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.
Tooltip Best Practices
In this article, I try to summarize the best practices mentioned by various accessibility experts and their work (like this, this, and this) into a single article that’s easy to read, understand, and apply.
Let’s begin.
What are tooltips?Tooltips are used to provide simple text hints for UI controls. Think of them as tips for tools. They’re basically little bubbles of text content that pop up when you hover over an unnamed control (like the bell icon in Stripe).
The “Notifications” text that pops up when you hover over Stripe’s bell icon is a tooltip.If you prefer more of a formal definition, Sarah Highley provides us with a pretty good one:
A “tooltip” is a non-modal (or non-blocking) overlay containing text-only content that provides supplemental information about an existing UI control. It is hidden by default, and becomes available on hover or focus of the control it describes.
She further goes on to say:
That definition could even be narrowed down even further by saying tooltips must provide only descriptive text.
This narrowed definition is basically (in my experience) how every accessibility expert defines tooltips:
- A tooltip is a popover.
- Tooltips must not contain interactive content.
Heydon Pickering takes things even further, saying: If you’re thinking of adding interactive content (even an ok button), you should be using dialog instead.
In his words:
You’re thinking of dialogs. Use a dialog.
Two kinds of tooltipsTooltips are basically only used for two things:
- Labeling an icon
- Providing a contextual description of an icon
Heydon separates these cleanly into two categories, “Primary Label” and “Auxiliary description” in his Inclusive Components article on tooltips and toggletips).
LabelingIf your tooltip is used to label an icon — using only one or two words — you should use the aria-labelledby attribute to properly label it since it is attached to nothing else on the page that would help identify it.
<button aria-labelledby="notifications"> ... </button> <div role="tooltip" id="notifications">Notifications</div>You could provide contextual information, like stating the number of notifications, by giving a space-separated list of ids to aria-labelledby.
<button aria-labelledby="notifications-count notifications-label"> <!-- bell icon here --> <span id="notifications-count">3</span> </button> <div role="tooltip" id="notifications-label">Notifications</div> Providing contextual descriptionIf your tooltip provides a contextual description of the icon, you should use aria-describedby. But, when you do this, you also need to provide an accessible name for the icon.
In this case, Heydon recommends including the label as the text content of the button. This label would be hidden visually from sighted users but read for screen readers.
Then, you can add aria-describedby to include the auxiliary description.
<button class="notifications" aria-describedby="notifications-desc"> <!-- icon for bell here --> <span id="notifications-count">3</span> <span class="visually-hidden">Notifications</span> </button> <div role="tooltip" id="notifications-desc">View and manage notifications settings</div>Here, screen readers would say “3 notifications” first, followed by “view and manage notifications settings” after a brief pause.
Additional tooltip dos and don’tsHere are a couple of additional points you should be aware of:
- Use aria-labellebdy or aria-describedby attributes depending on the type of tooltip you’re building.
- Use the tooltip role even if it doesn’t do much in screen readers today, because it may extend accessibility support for some software.
- Open tooltips on mouseover or focus, and close them on mouseout or blur.
- Allow a mouse user to move their mouse over the tooltip content without dismissing the tooltip.
- Allow a keyboard user to close the tooltip on the Escape button, per WCAG Success Criterion 1.4.13.
- Don’t use the title attribute. Much has been said about this so I shall not repeat them.
- Don’t use the aria-haspopup attribute with the tooltip role because aria-haspopup signifies interactive content while tooltip should contain non-interactive content.
- Don’t include essential content inside tooltips because some screen readers may ignore aria-labelledby or aria-describedby. (It’s rare, but possible.)
Tooltips are inaccessible to most touch devices because:
- users cannot hover over a button on a touch device, and
- users cannot focus on a button on a touch device.
The best alternative is not to use tooltips, and instead, find a way to include the label or descriptive text in the design.
If the “tooltip” contains a lot of content — including interactive content — you may want to display that information with a Toggletip (or just use a <dialog> element).
Heydon explains toggletips nicely and concisely:
Toggletips exist to reveal information balloons. Often they take the form of little “i” icons.
These informational icons should be wrapped within a <button> element. When opened, screen readers can announce the text contained in it through a live region with the status role.
<span class="tooltip-container"> <button type="button" aria-label="more info">i</button> <span role="status">This clarifies whatever needs clarifying</span> </span>Speaking anymore about toggletips detracts this article from tooltips so I’ll point you to Heydon’s “Tooltips and Toggletips” article if you’re interested in chasing this short rabbit hole.
That’s all you need to know about tooltips and their current best practices!
Further reading- Clarifying the Relationship Between Popovers and Dialogs (Zell Liew)
- Tooltips and Toggletips (Inclusive Components)
- Tooltips in the time of WCAG 2.1 (Sarah Higley)
- Short note on aria-label, aria-labelledby, and aria-describedby (Léonie Watson)
- Some Hands-On with the HTML Dialog Element (Chris Coyier)
Tooltip Best Practices originally published on CSS-Tricks, which is part of the DigitalOcean family. You should get the newsletter.